HJBR Mar/Apr 2025

of Baton Rouge + ($/7+&$5( - 2851$/ PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID USHealthcare Journals US Healthcare Journals 4-1104 Kuhio Hwy PMB 205 Kaapa, HI 96746 SCAN TO SUBSCRIBE MARCH / APRIL 2025  I HEALTHCAREJOURNALBR.COM I $20 Ring around the rosie. A pocket full of posies. Ashes! Ashes! We all fall down! ALSO INSIDE: Terror in New Orleans: Roundtable with UMC’s Trauma Team What’s Wrong with Healthcare? Part 1: The History of Health Insurance History Turned Tragedy Into a Rhyme. Is LDH Ignoring the Warning? Louisiana Doctor Groups Speak Out Against LDH’s Vaccine Shift