HJBR Sep/Oct 2024

44 SEP / OCT 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE NURSING COLUMN NURSING THE 2023 Louisiana State Board of Nursing (LSBN) licensure renewal season marked the ninth year of renewals using the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Optimal Regulatory Board System (ORBS) online licensure renewal system. This is the sixth year that LSBN will have licensure data on all licensed registered nurses (RNs) and advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) available through ORBS. The LSBN IT Department, Center for Nursing, and the ORBS Team have worked diligently over the last nine years to ensure the quality and accuracy of the data that will be used by our stakeholders to inform policy makers related to Louisiana’s RN and APRN workforce. The 2023 Nurse Supply Report and ac- companying infographic is based on a snapshot of every RN and APRN that had an active license to practice in Louisi- ana on Dec. 31, 2023. This will be the fifth year that the Louisiana Center for Nursing WORKFORCE CHALLENGES: Nursing Supply, Demand, and Educational Capacity (LCN) will have the ability to continue the process of trending data since LSBN’s tran- sition to ORBS. You can read the report in its entirety and view the infographic at the following links: • 2023 Louisiana Nurse Supply Report: https://www.lsbn.state.la.us/wp- content/uploads/2023-nurse- supply-report-05212024-final.pdf • 2023 Snapshot of Nursing Educa- tion Capacity and Nursing Supply in Louisiana: https://www.lsbn.state. la.us/wp-content/uploads/lcn-educ- supply-snapshot-2023_v3.pdf The 2023 nursing education capaci- ty report and accompanying infographic provides valuable information to employ- ers of RNs and APRNs, schools of nursing, workforce planners, policy makers, and other interested stakeholders about the state’s capacity to educate new and exist- ing RNs and APRNs, as well as the state’s ability to provide opportunities to those RNs and APRNs desiring to advance their education. This report is based on data taken from the 2023 annual reports com- pleted by Louisiana’s undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Information such as the number of applicants admitted to undergraduate and graduate nursing programs each year, the number of stu- dents enrolled in clinical nursing cours- es, the number of graduates, the passage rate on the National Council Licensure Examination, and qualifications of faculty teaching in Louisiana’s pre-RN and APRN programs can be found in the report “2023 Nursing Education Capacity in Louisiana.” You can read the report in its entirety and view the infographic at the following links: • 2023 Nursing Education Capacity Report: https://www.lsbn.state.la.us/ wp-content/uploads/2023-report- on-nursing-education-capacity-in- louisiana.pdf • 2023 Snapshot of Nursing Education Capacity and Nursing Supply in Lou- isiana: https://www.lsbn.state.la.us/ wp-content/uploads/lcn-educ- supply-snapshot-2023_v3.pdf