HJBR Sep/Oct 2024

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE  I  SEP / OCT 2024 41 with actionable data that drives a broader strategy instead of one focused solely on enhancing access to individual health re- cords. In the context of transforming how we measure and advance population health and quality outcomes, EHR connectivity and provider coding are synergistic: • Data Accuracy and Completeness: EHR connectivity ensures patient data is accurately captured and stored electronically. This includes medical histories, lab results, medi- cation lists, and more. Proper coding of this data ensures it is categorized correctly for reporting and analysis functions that are in alignment with NCQAmeasures. • Quality Reporting : NCQA measures often require reporting on specif- ic quality metrics, such as diabetes management, wellness visits, and preventive care services like cancer screenings. EHR systems that are well connected can automatically gener- ate reports based on coded data, si- multaneously facilitating compliance with NCQA reporting requirements. • Performance Measurement: HEDIS measures also assess provider per- formance based on clinical outcomes and adherence to evidence-based guidelines. EHR connectivity allows for real-time monitoring and track- ing of these outcomes, enabling pro- viders to quickly identify areas for improvement and to take proactive steps that enhance patient care. 3 • Efficiency and Coordination: Inte- grated EHR systems improve work- flow efficiency and care coordination among healthcare providers because providers can easily access patient records, communicate with other team members, and ensure conti- nuity of care, which are essential for meeting NCQA standards related to patient-centered care. 4 • Continuous Quality Improvement: By leveraging EHR data and connec- tivity, healthcare organizations can implement continuous quality im- provement initiatives. This includes identifying trends, conducting root cause analyses for adverse events, and implementing evidence-based interventions to improve patient out- comes and population health over time. 4 • Regulatory Compliance: HEDIS measures are often aligned with reg- ulatory requirements and accredita- tion standards. EHR connectivity and accurate coding help organizations demonstrate compliance with these standards during audits and accredi- tation processes. • Accountability: By delivering pre- cise, readily available, and actionable health information, advancing EHR connectivity will help ensure that healthcare providers and partner or- ganizations are accountable for of- fering high-quality, well-coordinated, and patient-focused care. EHR connectivity and optimizing pro- vider documentation and coding are mis- sion-critical steps for growing and nurtur- ing the digital measurement ecosystem. We must be ‘all-in’ on the data-sharing and interoperability call-to-action if we are truly committed to transforming the healthcare delivery system for the better and to achieving the timely and accurate measurement of healthcare quality. 2 Com- bined, these efforts will better align stake- holders towards the ultimate goal of “bet- ter healthcare, better choices and better health.” n REFERENCES 1 Ryan, B. “Advancing Digital Quality Transforma- tion.” National Committee for Quality Assurance, Dec. 1, 2023. https://www.ncqa.org/wp-content/ uploads/Advancing-Digital-Quality-Transforma- tion-Slides.pdf 2 Innovaccer; Morning Consult. “Healthcare’s data readiness crisis. Healthcare IT in 2022: Triage vs. Transformation.” 2022. https://innovaccer. com/resources/industry-reports/healthcare-da- ta-readiness-crisis?pdf=3 3 DeCicco, D.; Krupica, T.M.; Pellegrino, R.; Dim- achkie, Z.O. “Hospital-Wide Intervention in Billing and Coding to Capture Complexity of Care at an Academic Referral Center.” Journal of Healthcare Management 67, No. 6 (November/December 2022), 416-424. DOI: 10.1097/JHM-D-21-00213 4 Upadhyay, S.; Hu, H.F. “A Qualitative Analy- sis of the Impact of Electronic Health Records (EHR) on Healthcare Quality and Safety: Clini- cians’ Lived Experiences.” Health Services In- sights 15 (January/December 2022). https://doi. org/10.1177%2F11786329211070722 As senior vice president of quality, Yolanda E. Wilson, MSN, RN, CPHQ, oversees quality and performance improvement initiatives centered on improving the quality of care and services provided to plan members, including NCQA compliance, health plan accreditation, HEDIS performance, member satisfaction, and griev- ance and appeal functions. She is responsible for program development, design, outcomes measurement, and evaluation of the quality pro- gram to ensure alignment with state contracting requirements, CMS, and NCQA guidelines. Prior to Louisiana Healthcare Connections, Yolanda served several Texas health systems, managing their quality and compliance. She also served as an adjunct professor with the University of Texas College of Nursing. Yolanda E. Wilson, MSN, RN, CPHQ Senior Vice President of Quality Louisiana Healthcare Connections