HJBR Mar/Apr 2024

40 MAR / APR 2024 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE SURGERY around nearby organs without having to disturb the organs and risk other complications. • The wristed instrument arms of the robot provide a broader range of mo- tion than traditional surgical meth- ods. • Incisions can be made anywhere on the abdomen, including the lower ab- domen and pelvic area. • The robot is equipped with sealing technology that eliminates the need for clips or staples that leave foreign material in the body and pose a risk of bowel obstruction. COLUMN SURGERY Intuitive da Vinci robotic surgical system, surgeons are now able to perform the most complicated surgical procedures — such as segmental colon resection, rectal resection, rectopexy, or rectal prolapse surgery — with incredible precision, control, and dexterity that traditional surgery cannot match. Some of the positive benefits of robotic surgery using da Vinci Xi’s multiport robot for colorectal surgeries are: • With small incisions, some no bigger than a finger, surgeons can maneuver up to four arms of the da Vinci mul- tiport robot into the abdomen and COLORECTAL CANCER is one of the most common forms of cancer, but it’s also one of the most preventable. One of the most important advancements in the treatment of colorectal cancer has been robotic surgery, giving patients the opportunity for easier surgeries with fewer complications, less scarring, and quicker recovery times. In the past, removing tumors associated with colorectal cancer required open surgery of the abdomen, which involved risks to the patients and prolonged hospital stays. Using state-of-the-art tools like the ROBOTIC SURGERY IS CHANGING THE GAME for Colorectal Cancer Patients