HJBR Mar/Apr 2024

24 MAR / APR 2024  I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE   Healthcare Briefs Fawad A. Khan, MD, CPPS, section head of the International Center for Epilepsy at Ochsner and Nicole Villemarette-Pittman, PhD, director of Clin- ical Research for the Neuroscience Research Cen- ter of Excellence, started a nonprofit organization in 2023 to build a society of professionals within the state of Louisiana that focuses on clinical care and research in the epilepsy community. Presentations, networking sessions, and moder- ated discussions focused on common challenges and new advances in care. Nearly 50 providers and professionals from community practices, Tulane, LSUHSC-NO, Ochsner, LSUHS, OLG, Our Lady of the Lake, Thibodaux Regional Health System, and Children’s Hospital New Orleans attended. Participants connected to build a shared vision for improving clinical care, access to care within the state, and patient safety and outcomes. The consortium aims to foster inno- vative research that will set the future standard of care for epilepsy. The conference keynote speaker was Swaroop Aradhya, PhD, chief of global medical affairs and chief scientific officer for rare diseases, Invitae Corporation. He shared valuable insights into the future of precision medicine in epilepsy. Greaux Healthy Initiative Unveiled at Event More than 150 supporters of Pennington Bio- medical and childhood health came together recently to learn more about the center’s new- est initiative, Greaux Healthy. Greaux Healthy is committed to preventing and treating childhood obesity and is backed by more than 30 years of Pennington Biomedical research. With financial support from Louisiana state leaders, Greaux Healthy reflects a shared dedication to improving the health and lives of children across the state, both now and for generations to come. PB researchers Peter Katzmarzyk, PhD, FTOS, and Amanda Staiano, PhD, along with Greaux Healthy Director Melissa Martin, delved into the evolution of obesity research, emphasizing how these findings directly shaped the creation of Greaux Healthy. “Pennington Biomedical has been the interna- tional authority on obesity and diabetes for nearly 35 years,” Martin said. “Greaux Healthy is our way of translating this body of research and expertise Commissioner TimTemple Releases Statement on Withdrawal of BCBSLA Transaction Louisiana Insurance Commissioner Tim Temple released a statement regarding Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana’s withdrawal of its plan of reorganization and the cancellation of the LDI hearing originally set to review the plan. “Over the past year, Louisiana Department of Insurance staff have worked with BCBSLA and Elevance and listened to the concerns of rate- payers, providers, policymakers and physicians. We administered this process transparently, and I am proud of our team’s diligent work. “We had planned to hear from the two com- panies and consumer advocates during today’s hearing to address important questions raised by policyholders, Louisiana Department of Insur- ance experts and the Louisiana Legislature. How- ever, as of this morning, the parties have elected to withdraw their application. There are serious questions that require answers to provide pro- tections and safeguards for Louisiana ratepayers and providers. The withdrawal of the application forecloses further consideration of this matter. “I am grateful for the level of consideration brought to this process by Governor Landry, Chairman Talbot and the Senate Insurance Com- mittee, Chairman McMath and the Senate Health & Welfare Committee, and other key stakehold- ers. Most importantly, the Louisiana Department of Insurance received numerous public comments on this proposed transaction from members of the public, and I want them to know I read, con- sidered and appreciated what they had to say. “I have and always will stand on the side of Lou- isiana ratepayers and am honored to always have their backs. “For more information about the proposed transaction that has now been withdrawn, please visit https://ldi.la.gov/public-hearing- and-rulemaking-notices.” Louisiana Healthcare Connections, Habitat for Humanity Foster Health andWellness Louisiana Healthcare Connections is part- nering with Habitat for Humanity and Catholic Charities of Acadiana in a series of volunteer ini- tiatives aimed at strengthening communities and addressing social determinants of health. In line with its commitment to overcoming barriers to good health with sustainable solu- tions that reduce health disparities and create health equity, Louisiana Healthcare Connections employees gave back to the community with a recent “WEServe,” participating in projects with Habitat for Humanity St. Tammany West and Greater Baton Rouge, with a third planned for Terrebonne Parish, as well as various projects in Lafayette Parish. “This partnership between Louisiana Healthcare Connections and Habitat for Humanity exempli- fies the commitment to address the root causes of health disparities and create healthier, more vibrant communities,” said Louisiana Healthcare Connections Supervisor of Community Engage- ment Evelyn Foster. “By actively participating in these volunteer projects, we are working together to build a brighter future for Louisiana residents.” The group, including team members from all sectors of Louisiana Healthcare Connections, par- ticipated in these building projects as well as serv- ing in different capacities over several days at St. Joseph Diner in Lafayette. “Habitat for Humanity has a long-standing rep- utation for its dedication to providing affordable housing and improving the living conditions for those in need,” stated Louisiana Healthcare Con- nections Plan President and CEO Jamie Schlott- man. “By volunteering with this renowned orga- nization, Louisiana Healthcare Connections seeks to address the social determinants of health, rec- ognizing that safe, stable housing plays a crucial role in overall well-being.” Louisiana Epilepsy Care and Research ConsortiumHolds 2nd Annual Conference The second annual conference of the Louisi- ana Epilepsy Care and Research Consortium was held on Jan. 20, 2024, at the Higgins Hotel in New Orleans. The program, in collaboration with the Epilepsy Foundation of Louisiana, was structured to engage professionals about public health chal- lenges related to epilepsy care, innovations and developments in the field, and promote research collaborations.