HJBR Jul/Aug 2024

+ %5 July / August 2024 I Vol. 17, No. 4 Contents DEPARTMENTS Healthcare Briefs ................................................ 39 Hospital Rounds ................................................. 61 Ad Index .................................................................... 66 CORRESPONDENTS Legislative ................................................................ 44 Medicaid .................................................................... 46 Children’s Health ................................................. 48 Nursing ....................................................................... 50 Surgery ....................................................................... 52 Oncology ................................................................... 54 FEATURES CTE: Football’s Aftermath - Part V ....................... 8 Disturbing New Research on Brain Changes in High School Football Players Cerebral Cortical Surface Structure and Neural Activation Pattern Among Adolescent Football Players Zuidema, T.R.; Hiu, J.; Kercher, K.A.; et al. JAMA Network Hidden Epidemic: Unveiling the Public Health Challenges of Violence, Abuse, and Sexual Assault - Part II ..................................... 23 Sexual Violence in Louisiana: Findings from the LaVEX Survey 2023 Anita Raj, PhD, MS Executive Director of the Newcomb Institute, Tulane University Changing the Care of Chronic Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease, Part B ........................... 30 Kenny J. Cole, MD, MHCDS Value-Based Healthcare Correspondent Our Healthcare System Breaks Spirits and Bank Accounts: Can’t We Do Better? ............... 36 Dianne Marie Normand Hartley Chief Editor 23 SPECIAL REPORT Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades for Louisiana Hospitals ..................................................... 56 The Leapfrog Group