HJBR Jul/Aug 2024

62 JUL / AUG 2024  I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE   Hospital Rounds NICU with 11 beds in 10 private rooms, promot- ing a family-centered environment. FranciscanMissionaries of Our Lady University Announces Retirement of President, CEOTina S. Holland, PhD Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Universi- ty’s Board of Trustees announced the retirement of University President and CEO Tina S. Holland, PhD. She is the university’s fourth president and will leave FranU in the summer of 2025 after 11 years of service. The board will soon begin a national search for the next president. FranU’s Chair of the Board of Trustees Todd Schexnay- der said, “From the moment she arrived on cam- pus, Dr. Holland has led FranU with energy, pas- sion, vision and integrity. She will leave a legacy of growth, academic success, and community engagement centered around a deep commit- ment to our mission. Her retirement is well-earned and while we will miss her, we are excited to build on the momentum she has created.” According to Schexnayder, “Under Dr. Holland’s leadership, we strengthened our mission-identity, added several new graduate programs, built our first signature building, raised more philanthropic gifts than ever before, and improved our opera- tions across campus. The university has a great future, and we look forward to finding a new presi- dent who can continue our positive direction from the foundation that Dr. Holland has established.” Holland said, “FranU is a treasure to the commu- nity, and a gift to all of us who are blessed to serve our mission to educate and form Franciscan ser- vant leaders of all faiths. I’m grateful for the privi- lege to serve and lead this beautiful educational ministry for 11 years.” Ochsner Health Designated aWellSpot by Louisiana Department of Health Ochsner Health has been designated a WellSpot by the Louisiana Department of Health, recognizing Ochsner’s commitment to making healthy choices easier. WellSpots are organiza- tions or companies that have made small, sustain- able changes toward improving health and well- ness for their employees and community. Well-Ahead Louisiana’s WellSpot designation is Woman’s Hospital Names NICU, Birthing Suite in FranU’s St. Francis Hall Simulated Environment Teaching Hospital Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University held a naming reception on Tuesday for Woman’s Hospital to celebrate the partnership and their generous gift to the NICU and birthing suite in St. Francis Hall’s Simulated Environment Teach- ing Hospital. “This is the future of healthcare, and Wom- an’s Hospital is grateful for the opportunity to partner with FranU in its ongoing commitment to educating and developing well trained com- passionate nurses in our community and state,” said Woman’s Hospital President and CEO Rene Ragas. “Improving the lives of women and infants is our core mission, which is why we are honored to support both the NICU and birthing suite simu- lation rooms. Together, we will continue building a skilled workforce capable of providing high-qual- ity care for generations to come.” The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) pro- vides critical care for infants born prematurely or with life-threatening conditions, while the birthing suite has the world’s most lifelike childbirth simula- tor, Victoria. From early pregnancy complications, high-risk deliveries, and postpartum emergen- cies to non-gravid scenarios for general nursing care, Victoria simulates a full range of obstetrical events to facilitate teamwork and deepen criti- cal thinking skills in learners of all levels. In addi- tion, the birthing suite incorporates a transition area where nurses provide care for the newborn. Students engage in obstetric and neonatal care of mom and baby, ranging from uneventful to life-endangering. “This generous gift fromWoman’s Hospital rep- resents their significant and sincere commitment to the highest quality of care for mothers and chil- dren, because it is a direct investment in the high- est quality education of future care givers. We are grateful to Woman’s Hospital and their dedicated leaders for making this important commitment to the future of healthcare in our community,” stated Tina Holland, president and CEO of FranU. St. Francis Hall opened its doors last year, intro- ducing the new SETH, a 19,000 square foot space where students learn in high-tech patient care sim- ulation rooms that are created to replicate clinical environments. Simulation-based learning expe- riences provide learners with the opportunity to participate in multifaceted imitation clinical sce- narios that represent actual or potential situations in a safe environment. Ochsner Baton Rouge Installs Latest da Vinci Robotic Surgical System Ochsner Medical Center – Baton Rouge has installed the Intuitive da Vinci 5® advanced robotic system that helps surgeons perform min- imally invasive procedures. The da Vinci system transfers the surgeon’s hand movements to a set of robotic arms fitted with instruments that hold and manipulate the parts of patients’ bodies being operated on at a high level of precision. The da Vinci 5’s biggest inno- vation is enabling the surgeon’s hands to feel the same amount of pressure used by the robotic instruments. In addition, the new system offers improved vision with higher resolution and three-dimen- sional viewing, an improved layout that’s more comfortable for surgeons and more computing power than previous versions. OMC-Baton Rouge uses the new system for urology, gynecology, and thoracic surgeries, along with general surgery. “When we talk about minimally invasive surgery, we talk about doing the surgery through smaller incisions, which typically means less pain with the surgery, less pain post-operatively, and quicker recoveries where there’s less time in the hospital,” said Ochsner surgeon Kyle Jakob, MD. Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital Holds First NICUReunion On May 4, Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hos- pital held its first NICU Reunion, reuniting NICU graduates and families with the nurses and staff who cared for them. The reunion gave patients and families a chance to visit with teammembers and celebrate their amazing journeys with activi- ties, games, and treats. This was Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospi- tal’s first NICU Reunion since opening the New- ton & Betsy Thomas Family Center for Newborn & Infant Intensive Care, which includes a surgical