HJBR Jul/Aug 2024

of Baton Rouge + ($/7+&$5( - 2851$/ PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID USHealthcare Journals US Healthcare Journals 4-1104 Kuhio Hwy PMB 205 Kaapa, HI 96746 SCAN TO SUBSCRIBE JULY / AUGUST 2024  I HEALTHCAREJOURNALBR.COM I $20 WARNING! Parents think they are watching football. New research shows they are actually watching live brain damage. Changing the Care of Chronic Conditions: Chronic Kidney Disease, Part B Latest Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades Our Healthcare System Breaks Spirits and Bank Accounts: Can’t We Do Better? DISTURBING New Research on Brain Changes in High School Football Players 1 in 6 Louisiana Women Have Been Raped