HJBR Jul/Aug 2023

54 JUL / AUG 2023 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE NURSING MAJOR FINDINGS — ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSES IN LOUISIANA (2022) Of the 65,596 RNs holding an active license to practice in Louisiana in 2022, 14% (9,048) also held an active APRN license. Eighty-three percent (7,547) of theAPRNs holding an active Louisiana license also reported Loui- siana as their state of residence which represents a 7% increase in number from 2021. In 2022, approximate- ly 78% (5,512) of all APRNs licensed and residing in Louisiana indicat- ed that they were CNPs, 20% (1,410) were CRNAs, 1% (98) were CNSs, and 1% (55) were CNMs. Eighty percent (6,058) of the licensed APRNs in Lou- isiana are females and 20% (1,489) are males. In 2022, 2% (172) of the licensed APRNs in Louisiana indicated that they were of Hispanic or Latino origin which reflects a 12% increase in num- ber. Minorities represent approxi- mately 20% of theAPRN workforce in Louisiana: Black/African Americans represent 16% of the APRN work- force, followed by 1%Asian, 1% two or more races, and less than 1% of each of the following racial groups: Amer- ican Indian (0.4%), Native Hawaiian (0.01%), and other (0.6%). Eighty-nine percent (6,621) of the li- censed APRNs residing in Louisiana in 2022 reported the masters’ degree as their highest degree in nursing and 10% indicated that they held a doctorate degree in nursing which represents an 8% decrease in number when compared to 2021 and a 56% increase in number over the last five years. Hospitals employed 37% (2,684) of the licensed APRNs residing in Lou- isiana, followed by 30% (2,210) that reported working in ambulatory care, 6% in community health (469), and 3% (199) in schools of nursing. In 2022, 92% (6,698) of the licensed APRNs residing in Louisiana report- ed working as an APRN, 4% (295) indicated that they were staff nurses, and 2% (151) were nurse faculty/edu- cators. Thirty-two percent (2,300) of the li- censed APRNs that resided in Loui- siana in 2022 reported their prima- ry specialty practice areas as adult health/adult family health, 19% (1,408) indicated anesthesia as their primary specialty practice area, 5% (359) reported pediatrics as their pri- mary specialty, 6% (425) psych-men- tal health nursing, 4% (260) emer- gency room/trauma and 4% (301) acute care/critical care. Seventy-one percent (5,355) of the licensed APRNs residing in Louisiana in 2022 had pre- scriptive authority which reflects an 8% increase in number from 2021. Forty-two percent (2,747) of the APRNs working full-time report- ed pre-tax annual earnings from all nursing positions worked, includ- ing overtime and bonuses between $80,000 and $124,999 in 2022 and 30% (2,004) reported annual earn- ings between $125,000 and $150,000 or more. This report is based on a snapshot of every RN and APRN that had an active li- cense to practice in Louisiana on Dec. 31, 2022. This will be the fourth year that LCN will have the ability to continue the pro- cess of trending data since LSBN’s transi- tion to ORBS. n REFERENCES 1 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Workforce. “2018 National Sam- ple Survey of Registered NursesBrief Summary of Results.” 2019. https://data.hrsa.gov/DataD- ownload/NSSRN/GeneralPUF18/2018_NSSRN_ Summary_Report-508.pdf 2 Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing. “The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health.” The Nation- al Academies Press, Washington, D.C. 2011. doi: 10.17226/12956. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih . gov/24983041/ 3 The Campaign, Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Ad- vancing Health. “Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action Dashboard.” Updated Jan. 28, 2021. https://campaignforaction.org/wp-content/ uploads/2020/09/dashboard-indicator-up- dates-Winter2021.pdf 4 Smiley, R.A.; Ruttinger, C.; Oliveira, C.; et al. “The 2020 National Nursing Workforce Survey.” Jour- nal of Nursing Regulation, Supplement 12, issue 1 (April 2021): S1-S96. https://www.journalofnurs - ingregulation.com/article/S2155-8256( 21)00027- 2/fulltext 5 United States Census Bureau. “QuickFacts: United States; Louisiana.” Retrieved May 2023. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/ LA,US/PST045219