HJBR Nov/Dec 2022

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE I  NOV / DEC 2022 37 For weekly eNews updates and to read the journal online, visit HealthcareJournalBR.com and Alice have spent decades giving their time and lending their fundraising abilities to Mary Bird Perkins. Each has individually served on the cancer center’s board of directors, in addition to spearheading multiple fundraising campaigns that have raised hundreds of thousands of dol- lars. Though their body of work speaks for itself, the couple has shown a commitment to enhanc- ing and expanding Mary Bird Perkins’ reach few others have achieved. The Louis D. Curet Memorial Volunteer Fund- raiser Award was presented by Curet’s daughter, Jeanne James, to Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phil- lips. The award recognizes an individual, organi- zation, or foundation that has launched or led a significant philanthropic effort in support of Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center. Since the cancer cen- ter’s inception, Taylor Porter has been a steadfast partner, participating in countless events, shep- herding numerous philanthropic efforts, and cul- tivating a culture of participation and mobiliza- tion among the firm’s employees. Accepting the award on the company’s behalf was Brett Furr, Taylor Porter partner and Mary Bird Perkins Can- cer Foundation board member. The D. Jensen Holliday Memorial Community Service Award is presented annually to an indi- vidual whose vision and dedication have made a sustained and measurable difference in the fight against cancer. This year’s award was pre- sented to Frederic T. Billings, III, MD. A retired medical oncologist, Billings worked at Mary Bird Perkins for more than two decades as a member of Louisiana Hematology Oncology Associates. Throughout those years, he championed vari- ous cancer center causes by serving as a board member for Mary Bird Perkins, Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge, and the Hospice Foun- dation of Baton Rouge. Led by the mission to improve cancer care and support patients, Bill- ings has tirelessly volunteered countless hours of his valuable time. His impact can be felt through- out the organization, especially in the field of pal- liative and supportive care wherethrough their generosity, he and his wife Susan established the Riley-Billings Palliative and Supportive Care Clinic, named in honor of their mothers who both lost their battles to cancer. “Mary Bird Perkins is fortunate to have scores of supporters who, over decades, have believed Jonathan Greer accepting the Hillar C. Moore, Jr., Memorial Outstanding Leadership Award on behalf of his parents, Bob and Alice Greer; Judy Moore Vendetto; Hillar C. Moore, III; Steve Greer, also accepting the award on behalf of his parents; Steven Moore; David Moore; and Marie Moore. Brett Furr, partner, Taylor, Porter, Brooks & Phillips and Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Foundation board member accepts the Louis D. Curet Memorial Volunteer Fundraiser Award on behalf of the firm; Jeanne James; David James; William James; and Virginia James. Jennifer Tompkins; Chris Lanata; Susan Billings; D. Jensen Holliday Memorial Community Service Award winner, Frederic T. Billings, III, MD; Estelle Holliday; Julie Crifasi, Peter Tompkins; and Matt Holliday.