HJBR Mar/Apr 2022

44 MAR / APR 2022 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE COLUMN NURSING OnNovember 30, 2021, the entire Louisiana State Board of Nursing’s (LSBN) board of directors and the c-suite executive team met to update the 2021–2023 strategic plan. The day’s sessions were facilitated by consultant Laurie Schulte of The Clarion Group. The goals of this one-day session were to: • Review progress with implementing LSBN’s 2021-2023 strategic map. • Update the map for the next year (cal- endar year 2022). • Identify implementation priorities for the next year. LSBN’s strategic effectiveness centers around our ability to set the right goals and consistently achieve them. Graphically, it can be represented as: tice authority. • Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners (LSBME) reached out to work with LSBN on rules that will facilitate practice of APRNs. • Developing the future nursing work- force: • Collaboration with Louisiana Council of Administrators of Nursing Education (LACANE) on presentations by board staff to nursing educators and students. • Supported the Governor’s initia- tives on getting nursing students into the nursing workforce earlier. • Participation in National Coun- cil of State Boards of Nursing’s (NCSBN) knowledge network for education. • Developed residency program ed- ucational module. STRATEGIC PRIORITY B: Leverage LSBN’s in- fluence as a recognized leader. • Significantly improved working rela- tionships with Louisiana State Nurs- es Association (LSNA) and Louisiana Association of Nurse Practitioners (LANP) as well as with legislators and the House and Senate Health and Welfare Committees. • Improved establishment of a unified voice for nursing, especially with the Our strategic planning is guided by LSBN’s Mission, Vision, and Central Chal- lenge: MISSION: To safeguard the life and health of the citizens of Louisiana by assuring per- sons practicing as registered nurses and advanced practice registered nurses are competent and safe. VISION : LSBN will be a nationally recog- nized leader and trend-setter in regulatory excellence that advances nursing educa- tion, practice, and workforce. CENTRAL CHALLENGE: Positively impact the nursing profession by advancing regulato- ry excellence in an ever-changing health- care environment. ACCOMPLISHMENTS The board and executive team reviewed the 2021 successes in each of the strategic priorities. STRATEGIC PRIORITY A: Strengthen nursing education, practice, and workforce. • Nursing students started careers ear- lier due to COVID-19 adjustments to curriculum. • Progress toward full practice author- ity for APRNs: • Achieved 3 of 4 steps in legislative process to pass a bill for full prac- Update on LSBN STRATEGIC PLAN for 2022/2023