HJBR Jan/Feb 2022

HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE I  JAN / FEB 2022 11 CANCER WARS: Our Lady of the Lake & Mary Bird Perkins Divide and Conquer Strategy Cancer in our society, for many, is associated with war. A battle for control of life and death by an internal force we are nowhere near understanding. We want our cancer healthcare leaders confident and in control of the situation, even if that is an illusion or just wishful thinking on society’s part. We want to understand the war plan … even if it is evolving. Baton Rouge’s cancer generals recently announced a divide — and hopefully, conquer strategy — a shift on a worthy foe that is taking the lives of more Louisianans than statistics suggest is necessary. We sat down recently with two of the generals who are now in different camps but part of the same crusade.