HJBR Mar/Apr 2021
50 MAR / APR 2021 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE ONCOLOGY rectal cancer. Advancements in our understanding of the disease have led to multiple treatment options for colorectal cancer. Surgeons, gastroenterologists, oncologists, patholo- gists and radiation oncologists play a large role in the treatment of colorectal can- cer. Genetic counselors, dieticians, social workers and physical and occupational therapists play a crucial role as well. One of the most important changes in recent years is the shift toward a multidisciplinary approach to treatment. The specialists mentioned above meet, keep open lines of communication and formulate the best treatment plan for each individual patient. IT IS ESTIMATED that there are more than 100,000 new cases of colon cancer and 40,000 cases of rectal cancer diagnosed each year. In promising news, improve- ments in screening for colorectal cancers have led to a decreased incidence of can- cers. When diagnosed, advancements in surgical technology as well as the preop- erative and postoperative treatment plans have led to an overall decrease in mortality as well. Colorectal cancers can develop sponta- neously or be part of a genetic syndrome. In general, they develop from errors in cell development and replication. Multiple al- terations over time lead to the formation of a colon polyp and eventually a colon or COLORECTAL CANCER REMAINS ONE OF THE LEADING CAUSES OF CANCER-RELATED DEATH IN THE UNITED STATES. COLUMN ONCOLOGY Advancements Continue in Detecting, Treating and Surviving COLORECTAL CANCER
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