HJBR Mar/Apr 2021

SLEEPING THROUGH COVID 14 MAR / APR 2021 I  HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE   Psychoeducation is a core component of CBT-I, as well as proper sleep hygiene. Patients learn to do more of the things that encourage healthy sleep and less of what discourages it. Psychoeducational topics often include the effects that diet, exercise and the sleeping environment have on fall- ing and staying asleep. CBT-I requires patients to practice their new skills. They typically receive homework like keeping a sleep diary, questioning incor- rect thoughts or beliefs when they arise, and improving sleep hygiene practices. CBT-I is considered effective with many types of insomnia, even showing potential benefits for people with short-term insom- nia. It may be useful in treating insomnia symptoms even when they don’t meet the criteria for chronic insomnia. Here are three tips anyone experiencing sleep disruption can start immediately: 1. Find and eliminate emotional trig- gers. If you find that social media or the nightly news gives you anxiety, then unplug for a little while, especially before bedtime. Whatever it may be, take a break from it; 2. Create a cool, quiet and dark sleep set- ting. Your bedroom at bedtime should be free fromTV noise, computer screen light and other distractions; 3. Talk to someone. If you are struggling with anxiety or depression and don’t feel comfortable discussing it with family or friends, speak with a profes- sional. Ochsner Anywhere Care pro- vides a video platform to speak with a professional about addiction, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, postpartum depression, eating disorders and PTSD. As sleep specialists, we urge patients to carve out time for daily exercise. Sleep can be difficult even for patients who try to practice good sleep hygiene. This is often related to anxiety. Lying in bed, wor- rying and running through the day’s events can make falling asleep nearly impossible. Watching late news before bedtime can be particularly bad sleep hygiene, reminding patients of stressful and worrisome events right as they should be relaxing. Winding down physically and men- tally before bedtime is key to proper sleep hygiene. Meditation has been shown as an effective way to help relieve mental stress and anxiety. n “Find and eliminate emotional triggers. If you find that social media or the nightly news gives you anxiety, then unplug for a little while, especially before bedtime.”