HJBR Jan/Feb 2021
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE I JAN / FEB 2021 23 A d j u v a n t s C o r o n a v i r u s V a c c i n e s from Frontiers in Immunology f o r Zhihui Liang, Haoru Zhu, Xin Wang, Bo Jing, Zifan Li, Xinyu Xia, Hongwu Sun, Yun Yang, Weiting Zhang, Li Shi, Hao Zeng and Bingbing Sun Author Contributions: ZLiang, HZhu, XW, BJ, and XX wrote the manuscript. BS, LS and HZeng conceived and revised the manuscript. HS, YY, and WZ provided critical suggestions. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. CONTRIBUTORS As long-awaited initial rollouts of expedited COVID-19 vaccines are beginning to reach market, researchers near and far are already working on second generation vaccines and vaccine substitutions . Here is a peek into their progress.
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