HJBR Sep/Oct 2020
52 SEP / OCT 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE Hospital Rounds Nine Complete North Oaks Health System’s Dietetic Internship Program North Oaks Health System’s Dietetic Internship faculty and staff honored nine graduates for com- pleting the programMay 8. Due to COVID-19, the graduates gathered for a socially distanced lun- cheon at the E. Brent Dufreche Conference Cen- ter on June 10 instead of a traditional commence- ment ceremony. Members of the class include, seated, from left, Amanda Hines of Mandeville; Emma Moore of Baton Rouge; Emma Pittman and Hannah Eblen of Metairie; (standing from left) Ashley Smith of Folsom; Zachary Williams of Chesterton, Indiana; Brittany Francisco of Denham Springs; and Court- ney Cornett of Albany. Not pictured is Heather Moran of Greenwell Springs. Standing at far right is Leslie Ballard, director of the North Oaks Dietetic Internship program. Two graduates received awards this year. Hines received the Mary Nelson Award that is given by program faculty in recognition of eagerness to learn, dedication to the profession, and high professional standards. Hines also was selected by her peers to receive the Dannye Young Tay- lor “Always Remembering Others” Award in rec- ognition of selfless assistance of others. Taylor is a longtime patient representative for North Oaks Health System. The award was created in her ACNMRecognizes The Birth Center of Baton RougeMidwives The midwives at The Birth Center of Baton Rouge have achieved the designation of Best Practice for the 2019 ACNM Benchmarking Project from The American College of Nurse Midwives. “Triple Aim” Best Practice recognizes practices which meet the Institute for Healthcare Improve- ment Triple Aim of improving the patient experi- ence, reducing cost of care, and improving the health of populations. This is demonstrated by high breastfeeding rates, low preterm birth and cesarean rates, and reporting fiscal variables. Of the 262 practices participating in the 2019 ACNM Benchmarking Project, 72 practices were desig- nated Triple Aim Best Practices. The Birth Center of Baton Rouge, located on the campus of Woman’s Hospital, is the only practice in Louisiana recognized in 2019 by the ACNM for this achievement. With the increased demand for out-of-hospi- tal births, The Birth Center of Baton Rouge has assisted in the birth over of more than 600 babies since opening in 2014. Birth Center clients enjoy extended prenatal visits, birth in a homelike set- ting, direct access to an on-call midwife through- out the prenatal and postpartum period, and postpartum home visits. The Birth Center is also one of only two birthing locations in Baton Rouge that offer water birth. Women interested in learning more about The Birth Center of Baton Rouge can visit www.birth- centerbr.com or call (225) 761-1200. BRGReceives TopMarks for Patient Experience Baton Rouge General received the Health- grades 2019 Outstanding Patient Experience Award, placing it in the top 15 percent of hos- pitals across the country for patient experience. Evaluated for outstanding performance in deliv- ering a positive experience for patients during their hospital stay, 434 hospitals across the nation earned the award. “We are passionate about exceeding our patients’ expectations, and when external par- ties recognize the efforts of our physicians, nurses, clinicians, and supporting team mem- bers, it validates their tireless work,” said Presi- dent and CEO Edgardo Tenreiro. “Our hospital team consistently excels in patient experience and quality, and we are thrilled to share this news with the community.” Healthgrades evaluated 10 patient experience measures, ranging from cleanliness and noise lev- els in patient rooms, to pain management and responsiveness, to patients’ needs. The measures also include whether a patient would recommend the hospital to friends or family. Woman’s Hospital Looking for HealthcareWorkers for COVID-19 Survey Researchers at Woman’s Hospital are looking for healthcare workers to participate in a survey about how they have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including their health, feelings, behav- iors, and home/work situations. The study is protected by HIPAA and completely confidential. It will collect information about your job, your physical and mental health, and your experience working during the COVID-19 out- break. All healthcare employees are invited to par- ticipate. Individuals do not have to work directly with patients, but may have any role within a set- ting where individuals receive healthcare. Healthcare workers who are interested in par- ticipating can access the survey online at woman. org/covidresearch, email research@womans.org , or call (225) 231-5275. North Oaks Health System’s Dietetic Internship faculty and staff honored nine graduates for completing the program May 8
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