HJBR Sep/Oct 2020
40 SEP / OCT 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE LDH CORNER COLUMN LDH CORNER THE PUBLIC HEALTH COVID-19 PLAYBOOK HAS A SILVER LINING As much as we’ve seen sadness and difficulties, there has also been some good to come from the pandemic—a silver lining in the cloud of the storm. It can be tempting to give in to the bleaker moments, to throw up your hands with a sense of hopelessness, when this terrible disease has wrought so much tragedy in our state. In the Louisiana Department of Health’s response to COVID-19, it has been healthy for me to think of the excellent work being done, and the opportunities that may never have come without this disaster. I believe it will forever alter the way public health is perceived and understood in many positive ways.
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