HJBR Sep/Oct 2020
38 SEP / OCT 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE COLUMN PEDIATRIC PREPARING FOR THE IMPENDING FLU SEASON D U R I N G C O V I D - 1 9 It’s difficult to remember that early last spring, we saw tens of millions of cases of influenza during the 2019–2020 season in the United States, with an overwhelming num- ber of influenza B early on in the season. Subsequently, the world experienced a new infectious pan- demic. Following flu season in ear- ly spring, the COVID-19 pandemic began to impact Louisiana, as it also spread throughout the rest of the world, creating an overwhelming volume of patients filling hospitals across the country, and around the world. Fortunately, the effects on children remain much less severe than in our adult population. CHILDREN’S HEALTH
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