HJBR Sep/Oct 2020
30 SEP / OCT 2020 I HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE Healthcare Briefs announce that Dr. Michael Barraza has joined our talented team of subspecialty radiologists,” says Scott B. Schuber, MD, Radiology Associates’ managing partner. “Dr. Barraza is a highly trained and experienced interventional radiologist who will further optimize this growing segment of our practice.” Barraza graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. He earned a Doctor of Medicine at The Medical Uni- versity of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C. He completed a general surgery internship at Och- sner Clinic Foundation in New Orleans, La. and a diagnostic radiology residency at Vanderbilt University. Barraza is a member of American College of Radiology, Radiological Society of North America, and Society of Interventional Radiology. “Interventional radiology as a specialty remains inextricably anchored to the forefront of mod- ern medicine, with an established track record of delivering innovative solutions to complex medi- cal issues across virtually all organ systems,” said Barraza. “In caring for patients, we offer a glimpse at the future of medicine, with minimally invasive interventions tailored to individual patients, uti- lizing cutting edge technology, and state-of-the- art image guidance. I value working alongside physicians of all specialties to identify solutions for each unique patient, and am grateful for the opportunity to apply my expertise to the care of patients in the Baton Rouge community.” Barraza specializes in minimally invasive thera- pies for various arterial and venous conditions, degenerative and oncologic pain management, vertebral compression fractures, indwelling IVC filters, and diverse cancer-related issues. He also offers uterine artery and prostatic artery embo- lization as nonsurgical treatment options for symptomatic uterine fibroids and benign pros- tatic hypertrophy (BPH), respectively. Cardiovascular Institute of the SouthMakes ‘Best Places toWork’ List Cardiovascular Institute of the South (CIS) has been selected by Modern Healthcare as one of the 2020 Best Places to Work in Healthcare. The complete list of this year’s winners, in alphabeti- cal order, is available at ModernHealthcare.com/ bestplaceslist. “It has been an especially trying year for the world, and healthcare in particular as COVID-19 ravages our communities and your workplaces,” said Aurora Aguilar, Modern Healthcare’s editor. “But the organizations recognized on this year’s list rose to the top and continued to be a source of strength for their teammates. They have seen their colleagues fall ill to the virus and struggled with the economic impact of the pandemic. The loyalty and trust between employers and their workers is being put to the test now more than ever. We congratulate the Best Places to Work in Healthcare for continuing to serve their work- force and communities during such an unprece- dented time.” “Our physician-led, employee-driven culture has always been the key ingredient in our suc- cess at CIS,” said CIS CEO David Konur, FACHE. “Now more than ever, our team has shown amaz- ing perseverance through these difficult times, and their commitment to our patients has been nothing short of exceptional.” This award program identifies and recognizes outstanding employers in the healthcare indus- try nationwide. Modern Healthcare partners with the Best Companies Group on the assessment process, which includes an extensive employee survey. Cardiovascular Institute of the South will be recognized at the 2020 Best Places to Work in Healthcare awards gala taking place virtually on Oct. 8 in conjunction with the Workplace of the Future Conference. Information on the award cel- ebration and conference is available at Modern- Healthcare.com/WOTF. BREADARed Stick Rewards Program Increased Due To COVID-19 As part of an ongoing commitment to address- ing increased need among families affected by COVID-19, Louisiana Healthcare Connections has announced an increase in its sponsorship of the Big River Economic and Agricultural Alli- ance (BREADA) Red Stick Rewards program. The program offers a dollar-for-dollar match of up to $15 in purchases made with a Louisiana Purchase Automated Benefit (SNAP) card at any Baton Rouge-area Red Stick Farmers Market. SNAP, or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, offers nutrition assistance to eligible, low-income individuals and families. SNAP partic- ipants receive benefits on an EBT card, formerly known as a food stamp card, which is then used to purchase eligible food items at SNAP-partic- ipating retailers. BREADA’s markets have been accepting SNAP cards since launching an EBT program in 2013. In 2015, they added a dollar-for-dollar match com- ponent to extend the buying power of customers who rely on SNAP benefits. Since then, BREADA has increased access to fresh, locally-grown and sourced food to thousands of area families in low- access communities. In 2017 alone, more than 1,000 families doubled their buying power for fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables. Louisiana Healthcare Connections, a Healthy Louisiana Medicaid health plan, began sponsor- ing the program in 2018. Due to an increased demand for food assistance among families affected by COVID-19 in the Greater Baton Rouge area, the Healthy Louisiana Medicaid health plan has increased its sponsorship to enable SNAP recipients to receive $15 in free food purchases for every $15 spent at the Red Stick Farmers Markets. To receive the matching benefit, SNAP recipients may present their SNAP card at the BREADA tent at the market. “We are committed to increasing access to local foods for everyone, regardless of income level, and right now, with so many families across our community struggling because of COVID- 19, providing this increased access is critical,” says BREADA Executive Director Copper Alva- rez. “BREADA is fortunate to have a partner like Louisiana Healthcare Connections that shares our Michael Barraza, Jr., MD
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