HJBR Nov/Dec 2020
HEALTHCARE JOURNAL OF BATON ROUGE I NOV / DEC 2020 45 Eric Bankert, DO Sports Medicine Children’s Hospital New Orleans— Baton Rouge Specialty Clinic field (doorknobs, bathroom faucets, light switches, dugouts, benches). • Following sports activity, it is import- ant to shower or bathe and change into clean clothes as soon as possible. • Follow recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- vention (CDC), State Public Health Offices and each specific sport’s gov- erning body. • Immediately notify a school admin- istrator or designated official at the school if someone on the team de- velops any COVID-19-like symptoms or has been exposed to an individual who is COVID-19-positive or is await- ing COVID-19 test results. Additional tips for keeping kids healthy both on and off the field include: • Athletes should maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper hy- dration, nutrition and sleep. • If students are returning to sports ac- tivity after a prolonged break, it is im- portant to gradually build up activity level to prevent injuries and to ensure they adequately warm up prior to full activity. • Many sport organizations require athletes to have a current physical on file in order to participate in sport ac- tivity. Athletes should visit a primary care provider or pediatrician for an updated preparticipation physical examination to ensure the child is in good health to return to sports activ- ity. What can we do to protect kids from injuries? Sports always carry the risk of injury for anyone that participates. This is especial- ly true in children, because their bodies are still growing, and their coordination is still developing. More than 3.5 million children ages 14 and younger are treated for sports-related injuries each year. Many of these injuries could be prevented with proper use of safety gear, changes to the playing environment and following sports safety rules. • Ensure that kids wear properly fitting safety gear and equipment. • Make sure the playing environment is well lit and appropriate for the game. • Always assess the temperature and air quality to ensure it is safe for those with increased risks to participate. • Enforce safety rules. This includes rules such as avoiding helmet to hel- met tackles in football and following proper pitch counts in baseball. • Keep players hydrated before, during and after sports participation. This includes increasing fluid intake for up to 24 hours prior to playing. It is rec- ommended to drink about 1 cup (8 oz) of water or sports drink every 15 to 20 minutes during participation. If par- ticipating for more than one hour, it is recommended to add a sports drink to ensure the athlete is replenishing electrolytes adequately. • Take proper rest from training to pre- vent overuse injuries. Single sport athletes are recommended to take at least three months off total from their sport per year. If a school or sports organization has an athletic trainer, any new injuries or pain associated with return to sport should be immediately reported. If there is no ath- letic trainer available, injuries should be evaluated by a primary care provider or orthopedic/sports medicine physician. It is important to have these issues evaluat- ed, so they can be properly treated and al- low athletes to stay healthy and to perform to their highest ability. n SOURCES 1 cdc.gov 2 ldh.la.gov Eric Bankert, DO, attended the University of Vir- ginia for undergraduate, then went on to receive a medical degree from Lincoln Memorial University in Tennessee. He completed a residency in pedi- atrics at Greenville Health System/University of South Carolina in Greenville, SC and subsequent- ly completed a Sports Medicine fellowship at the Steadman Hawkins Clinic of the Carolinas. Bankert lives in Baton Rouge with his family and works full time at the Children’s Hospital New Orleans’s Ba- ton Rouge Specialty Clinic in the Orthopedic De- partment. He treats patients for all types of sports or non-sports related orthopedic injuries as well as concussions.
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