HJBR Nov/Dec 2019
Dialogue 16 NOV / DEC 2019 I Healthcare Journal of baton rouge self-expression activities. These profession- als help our teamoptimize themedical man- agement of children undergoing surgery or dealing with chronic conditions. We also have a new Family Resource Center that will serve as a hub for families seekingmore information about their child’s illness, support groups, and a classroom space for activities such as car seat safety or CPR classes.This new roomwill be staffed by volunteers, and sits on the first floor of the new children’s hospital. While we have provided trauma services for children at the regional medical center, the new children’s hospital has given us an opportunity to become one of the first ded- icated pediatric trauma programs in Loui- siana. This program brings a more intense focus on pediatric-specific trauma processes and outcomes in both the prehospital and hospital setting. Within this context, we will also be able to increase our focus on injury prevention programs and outreach. Editor Will the revenue be primarily from insurance payments, orwill foundation dona- tions account for operations? Dunbar The children’s hospital relies primar- ily on clinical, inpatient, and outpatient rev- enue to support operations. That being said, philanthropy plays a role in operations of the majority, if not all children’s hospitals. We envision that the trajectory of philan- thropic support will now move away from the brick andmortar model and toward sup- porting and expanding programs. This kind of support helps us provide the nonrevenue generating programs that allow us to sup- port the health system’s mission of taking care of those most in need. Editor How do you think this hospital will impact the greater Baton Rouge area? Dunbar Our vision is to improve the health and well-being of Louisiana’s children. The hospital allows us to elevate the level of pediatric care provided in Baton Rouge and the surrounding region. The hospital will be a healthcare destination for the children of our region, and will attract pediatric special- ists seeking an environment in which they can do their best work. More children will have the opportunity to stay in the Baton Rouge area and receive the highest quality, most advanced pediatric care available for generations to come. n Bishop Michael Duca blesses the new children’s hospital with holy water. The sun rises on opening day of the new Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital.
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