HJBR Jul/Aug 2019

34 JUL / AUG 2019  I  Healthcare Journal of baton rouge   Healthcare Briefs building and outreach in rural communities, LPCA will share lessons learned and best practices with Community Health Centers serving all populations. “Too often we are focused on the numbers and statistics associated with the opioid epidemic, but every one of those numbers affected is some- one’s mother, father, child, or friend,” said Ruth Johnson, LPCA’s director of Health Center Policy & Governmental Affairs. “It will take the work of stakeholders from across the community to solve this problem. I am proud that Community Health Centers are recognized as part of the solution.” Louisiana Healthcare Connections’ Priscell Holman Named 2019 Woman of Distinction Priscell Holman, community health services rep- resentative for Louisiana Healthcare Connections, was named one of four 2019 Women of Distinc- tion by the Girl Scouts Louisiana East at a lun- cheon in Baton Rouge. Holman, a former Girl Scout, was recognized for her commitment to helping Louisiana fami- lies and individuals achieve better health through coordination of healthcare and social services, and for her military and community service. A 14-year veteran of the U.S. Army National Guard, Holman served as a platoon sergeant with lead- ership responsibility for 75 soldiers. She was the recipient of the branch’s 2007 Leadership and Caring Award, and holds numerous medals for her leadership during the BP oil spill, and Hur- ricane Katrina. Girl Scouts Louisiana East is the leading orga- nization of girls, grades kindergarten to 12, in 23 parishes of southeast Louisiana. The Women of Distinction awards are presented annually to women who demonstrate the Girl Scouts’ char- acteristics of courage, compassion, and respon- sibility. In addition to Holman, the 2019 honorees included First Lady of Louisiana Donna Edwards; Angela A. Allen-Bell, associate professor and director of the Louis A. Berry Institute for Civil Rights and Justice at the Southern University Law Center; and Beth Courtney with Louisiana Public Broadcasting. John and Rhandi Wise, MD, Join Baton Rouge General OB/GYNGroup John Wise, MD, and Rhandi Wise, MD, recently joined Baton Rouge General Physicians as OB/ GYNs. They join six other providers in the prac- tice. BRG’s Birth Center has seen a 55 percent increase in births over the past five years, in large part due to the growth and success of the OB/ GYN practice. Dr. John Wise earned an undergraduate degree from Nicholls State University and a medical degree from Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in Shreveport. He completed an obstetrics and gynecology internship and residency training at University Health in Shreve- port. He is a member of the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Dr. Rhandi Wise earned an undergraduate degree from Louisiana State University and a medical degree from Louisiana State Univer- sity Health Sciences Center in Shreveport. She completed an obstetrics and gynecology intern- ship and residency training at University Health in Shreveport, serving as chief resident. She is a member of the American Congress of Obstetri- cians and Gynecologists. Dr. Rani Whitfield Joins Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group wel- comes Rani G. Whitfield, MD, to its team of pro- viders. Whitfield, who will be located at a new clinic Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group Jef- ferson, will aid in providing diagnosis and treat- ment of a broad range of illnesses and medical issues for patients in the Baton Rouge area.  “We are excited to welcome Dr. Whitfield to our physician group with the opening of Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group Jefferson,” said LaDonna Green, vice president of Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group. “Dr. Whitfield is a very known and respected member of the Baton Rouge community who we are proud to have as a provider. Dr. Whitfield and this new clinic location allows us to expand access to care so our patients achieve and maintain better health.”  Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group Jeffer- son will provide evaluation and management of chronic illnesses, care of minor injuries, compre- hensive annual wellness exams, college physicals, preventive healthcare, and more for patients age 12 and up.  Whitfield, a native of Baton Rouge, La., is a board-certified family physician with a Certif- icate of Added Qualification in Sports Medi- cine. Whitfield attended University High School in Baton Rouge and earned an undergraduate degree from Southern University and A&M Col- lege, also in Baton Rouge. He completed med- ical school training at Meharry Medical College Priscell Holman John Wise, MD Rani Whitfield, MD