Ochsner Baton Rouge Offers New Tendinopathy Procedure

Ochsner Baton Rouge now offers the TenJet™ system. TenJet is a minimally invasive procedure for treating tendinopathy, or chronic tendon pain and swelling.

Conditions commonly known as tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow or jumpers’ knee are often caused by tendinopathy, which can also affect the shoulder, hip, or ankle. It is also associated with plantar fasciitis, a painful condition in the foot. These problems can occur from a single injury, though they are often the result of repetitive motion, overuse or microinjury.

Performed by Ochsner primary care sports medicine physician Sean Bradley, MD, the TenJet system uses a small needle inserted into the affected area to deliver a focused, pressurized stream of saline that flushes out degenerative tissue while preserving healthy tissue. The procedure is guided by real-time, ultrasound imaging.

TenJet procedures are performed in an outpatient setting, requiring only a small incision and local anesthetic. Procedures often take 30 minutes or less, and no stitches are needed. Many patients have a recovery time of just a few weeks.

“TenJet could be a great alternative for tendinopathy patients who’ve tried other forms of treatment without relief and don’t want surgery,” Bradley said. “The TenJet technology has been studied thoroughly. It works, and it provides lasting relief.”

