Woman’s Hospital Hires Nina Dusang as Chief Financial Officer

Woman’s Hospital announced that Nina Dusang has joined the hospital as chief financial officer.  

In her new role, Dusang oversees Woman’s financial framework and supports the executive team in achieving the hospital’s strategic plan, growth initiatives and annual financial goals. 

“As a Louisiana native, Dusang is eager to advance Woman’s mission of improving the health of women and infants in our state and region. She’ll help ensure Woman’s continues to set the highest standards for accountability, compliance and business ethics,” said Rene Ragas, president and CEO of Woman’s Hospital.

Dusang has dedicated most of her career to executive finance and healthcare, holding her first CFO position with Health Management Associates at just 26 years old. Most recently, she served as senior vice president and CFO of DCH Health Systems in Tuscaloosa, Ala. In her 10 years at DCH, Dusang oversaw financial operations, provided operational leadership to numerous departments, created a strategic plan for service expansion and served as the executive sponsor for the implementation of a system-wide electronic health record program.  

After earning a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana Tech, Dusang obtained a Master of Business Administration from Mississippi State University. She is a certified public accountant and is involved in numerous community-based and national healthcare organizations, including serving as a national board member for America’s Essential Hospitals Association. 

