Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Hosts Stop the Bleed Event for Local Middle School

Our Lady of the Lake Health hosted a Stop the Bleed event at Capitol Middle School on Feb. 15. The initiative is part of the Our Lady of the Lake trauma program.

Our Lady of the Lake provides schools with grant funded Stop the Bleed kits and works with East Baton Rouge Parish Schools to train school staff across the parish on how to properly care for wounds in emergency situations. The kits are installed in various locations around school campuses and staff are trained on lifesaving emergency techniques to stop bleeding, such as using a tourniquet and packing a wound. 

“Our Lady of the Lake is dedicated to educating our community on how to provide life-saving care in the event of a trauma,” said Tomas Jacome, MD, medical director of the Our Lady of the Lake Trauma Center. “Equipping our schools with proper Stop the Bleed resources and training to use those resources is beneficial in preventing emergency situations from escalating.”  

Stop the Bleed is a national public awareness campaign that aims to provide training and techniques for controlling severe bleeding. It is led by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT).

