Ochsner Health Network Achieves Tier 5 Status in Quality Blue Program

Ochsner Health Network (OHN) has achieved Tier 5 status in Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana’s (Blue Cross) Quality Blue program for fall 2021. The insurer’s population health and quality improvement program is designed to optimize care delivery for patients who live with chronic conditions. OHN achieved the top-tier ranking based on its performance relative to chronic disease care goals.

“Louisiana is one of the least healthy states, especially when it comes to chronic diseases. Through Quality Blue and OHN’s model of coordinated care, we are improving outcomes and reducing the likelihood of strokes, heart attacks, and other major life-threatening events,” said Beau Raymond, MD, FACP, medical director, OHN. “Earning the top Tier 5 rank reflects OHN’s strong collaboration, aptitude with digital medicine, and ability to scale best practices. The result is evidence-based clinical and quality improvement.”

In Quality Blue, Blue Cross works closely with OHN and others to improve health outcomes and hold the line on costs. The program is designed to transform the Blue Cross primary care network from an episode-driven, physician-based care delivery model to a team-based care delivery model. It improves the identification and management of chronic diseases that are prevalent and burdensome, while providing practices with the data and resources that enable proactive, efficient, high-quality care. Patients benefit from improved care coordination because their doctors have actionable data right at their fingertips to make the most of office visits and promote exceptional health outcomes.
