Ochsner Cancer Center-Baton Rouge Continues Expansion Project

Ochsner Cancer Center – Baton Rouge is continuing its $10 million, multi-year expansion. The project includes a new pharmacy for patients involved in research and clinical trials, along with additional room for exams and consultations.

The pharmacy will benefit all Ochsner patients taking part in active studies, regardless of the research specialty. It also enables Ochsner to recruit patients for research projects at both its O’Neal campus and Ochsner Medical Complex – The Grove. The cancer center is part of Ochsner Cancer Institute, giving Baton Rouge patients local access to more clinical trials.

The construction comes on the heels of the first wave of expansion of services completed in 2021, which also added space for patient treatment, as well as upgraded technology for positron emission tomography scans, also known as PET or PET-CT scans.

The latest project comprises 16,700 square feet and will provide an additional 30 patient exam rooms, three treatment rooms and two consultation rooms. In addition to medical oncology, Ochsner Baton Rouge already offers local appointments with physicians who specialize in radiation oncology, surgical oncology, gynecologic oncology, breast oncology, thoracic surgical oncology, cutaneous (skin) surgical oncology, and urologic oncology. The additional patient rooms will provide more space for existing services as well as rheumatology, colorectal surgery, breast surgery, general surgery, and head and neck oncology.

Timeline for completion is spring of 2023.

“This latest expansion provides an exceptional level of convenience for cancer patients at Ochsner,” says Chuck Daigle, CEO, Ochsner Baton Rouge. “The Ochsner team will have more space for patient treatment, and we’ll deliver the latest cancer treatment innovations right here in Baton Rouge.”

