Ochsner Baton Rouge Joins Knee Injury Medical Trial

Ochsner Sports Medicine Institute – Baton Rouge is one of 25 top North American health systems chosen by the U.S. Department of Defense for a comprehensive medical trial designed to improve treatment for multiple-ligament knee injuries.

The $4 million Surgical Timing and Rehabilitation, or STaR, medical trial, will benefit the U.S. military, as well as athletes and people from all walks of life who suffer multiple-ligament knee injuries.

Sponsored by the University of Pittsburg, The STaR Trial Network comprises 25 premier military and academic medical centers, and more than 50 of the top knee surgeons across the U.S. and Canada to determine the most beneficial treatment method.

Jeremy Burnham, MD, medical director of the Ochsner Baton Rouge sports medicine program and Ochsner’s principal investigator for the STaR trial, said that multiple-ligament knee injuries require extremely specialized care and training. He compares the complexity to transplant surgery in that ideal outcomes depend on a highly specialized team and coordinated care.

“This study requires not only high-level treatment but also the ability to track outcomes, perform high-level functional tests to assess patient progress and the use of stringent research protocols to ensure the most accurate results possible,” said Burnham.

Referring physicians and potential candidates for the STaR trial can learn more by calling (225) 761-5895.

