Louisiana Healthcare Connections Offers Peer-to-Peer Provider Continuing Education Series

Louisiana Healthcare Connections is offering their spring provider educational series featuring webinars with healthcare experts from across Louisiana.

In partnership with Louisiana Academy of Family Physicians (LAFP), Louisiana Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics (LA AAP), and the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Louisiana, each session in the seven-topic series will focus on challenging health issues confronting healthcare providers in Louisiana. A peer expert will discuss the issue’s impact on our state and actions healthcare providers can take. Additionally, the “Lunch and Learn” sessions will include tips to streamline claims and administration, and to maximize quality-based incentives offered to providers by Louisiana Healthcare Connections.

These learning opportunities also qualify for continuing education credits (CE’s, CMEs and CNE’s) for physicians, nurses, and social workers, where applicable.

“These peer-to-peer sessions focus on real-world healthcare challenges facing physicians in our state, helping providers solve the issues they see every day in their practices,” said Stewart Gordon, MD, chief medical officer for Louisiana Healthcare Connections. “In this way, we help ensure the highest quality care for our members.”

Attendance is free, but registration is required. Interested healthcare professionals should sign up at https://lahealth.cc/learn.
